Mile 20

Developing a complex project like a video game is similar to running a marathon. (I know I already compared it to building a house. Metaphors are fun!)
It's all about pacing yourself. Irregardless of your rhythm and positive outlook, however, there always comes a point when you reach what I call, The Dreaded Mile 20.

At Mile 20 you lack the fresh vigor of the start. The halfway point celebration has come and gone. You're pretty tired, burnt-out, and wonder if you'll ever complete the freaking thing. The finish line isn't visible yet, so it's too soon to exhaust that last sprint to the end...but you feel your energy grinding to a halt.

Mile 20 is awful. And it's killed more than one project. 

Then you add a certain sound effect, or a little animation, and part of the game comes alive. That little glimpse of what the end result could be is often all it takes. So you carry keystroke at a click of the mouse. Closer, inch by inch. Until the finish line comes into view.

If you're going through Hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill


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